
TYPO3 Crawler with TYPO3 13 LTS Support
The "latest" version of the TYPO3 Crawler 12.0.6
comes with TYPO3 13 LTS support. It's been overdue for too long, but now it's out.
Only four days later, a new release was created...

My blog is public
I don't know if you are away, but my blog is fully public at, you can have a peak, get inspired on how to setup your own blog. You can copy paste...
Robots.txt with Jigsaw
Setting up a robots.txt
can be helpful to help search engines what to crawl on your website and what not.
Setting it up within Jigsaw
is fairly simple.
This is how I did...

Tracking, but no Cookies
I know I stated in my post No Tracking, No Cookies, that I didn't want to have any tracking. But I decided to test to see if I generate any traffic at all on my site. This is cheaper...
Setting up a blog with Jigsaw
With the blog post you will learn how to set up you own blog with Jigsaw. open your terminal, and type in And that's it for now. Now you can watch you blog Now go to...
No tracking, no cookies
As I want this blog to be as simple as possible, and I want to have it compliant with GDPR, I have decided to not have any tracking nor cookies. The blog is a collection of static generated HTML...
Honey I'm home
I have been quiet, regarding blogging, for quite some time now. I have always wanted to write more even though I'm not great at it. Someone ones said: Practice makes perfect The last year I...